
New Album: Bach Trios with Chris Thile & Edgar Meyer

Feb 10, 2017


Yo-Yo Ma joins mandolinist Chris Thile and bassist Edgar Meyer for an all-Bach album. Bach Trios features arrangements of works from The Well-Tempered Clavier, The Art of Fugue, and more.

You can listen to the album today

How often do you work with people who are master virtuosos and also master improvisors and composers, who know at least two musical traditions unbelievably well? It's just extraordinary when you have people who can actually show on their instruments what they're thinking at any moment, without a delay. As soon as you think it, it gets transferred in your neuromusculature immediately into sound.

Yo-Yo Ma

Mr. Ma has collaborated with Thile and Meyer extensively on recording, appearing with them on Songs of Joy and Peace and – with Stuart Duncan – on The Goat Rodeo Sessions. He joined Meyer and fiddler Mark O’Connor on Appalachia Waltz and Appalachian Journey.

Bach Trios is released by Nonesuch Records and is available now.

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Mr. Ma will join Thile and Meyer on tour in April and May


Watch the trio perform on A Prairie Home Companion


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